7 Pylon
9 gateway (Probe Scout)
11 Gateway
11 Gateway
14 Pylon
15 Forge
23 Pylon
23 Cannon
24 Gas
31 Pylon
32 Core
32 Gas
40 Pylon
100% Core - 3 Goons
Make 2 Pylons and start Goon Range
Next 300 minerals - 2 Gateways
2 Pylons
57 Robotics Facility
100% Robo - Start Observer and 3rd Gas
After you cycle 1 probe, 5 goons, and 2 pylons, leftover money goes to citadel of adune and forge
~5:50 - build 2 more Gateways, totalling 7 Gateways
Range should be finished by ~5:40
Observer should be out ~6:15